Rosalind Joffe has proven successes in coaching nearly 1,000 people for almost 20 years. Co-author of Women, Work and Autoimmune Disease: Keep Working, Girlfriend!, published by Demos Health, Rosalind is recognized as a national expert on chronic illness and work. As a leading career coach who focuses on chronic illness, she has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe ,, WebMD, ABC Radio, MORE Magazine and Fast Company, just to name a few. Rosalind has published in dozens of disease organization and health journals and writes a widely acclaimed blog, WorkingWithChronicIllness. She is a sought-after speaker and workshop leader for organizations that include the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, HUD NYC, BiogenIdec, State Street Corporation, New Directions, Association of Career Professionals,, New England Arthritis Foundation, NENMMS, and the Scleroderma Association.
Rosalind serves on the Board of Directors of Massachusetts Health Quality Partners (MHQP) where she sits on the Governance Committee and serves as Chair of the MHQP Consumer Health Council.
Rosalind holds a Masters in Education, is an International Coaching Federation accredited coach, a certified Mediator and has completed advanced training in Focusing Practice.