Today’s post has two ideas for help we can get to make ourselves even more productive while living with disabling symptoms and a job idea.
Do you ever go to health fairs? They’re often sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and some people don’t like them for that reason but there often really interesting vendors (like me!)
My firm,, had a table at a health fair run by the MS Center at St. Elizabeth’s, run by Dr. Ellen Lahti. The room was filled with her patients and they all raved about her to me. That says a lot.
I displayed my stuff – My Career Thrive Booklet series, the Workbook Keep Working with Chronic Illness, and my new book, Women Work and Autoimmune Disease: Keep Working, Girlfriend!
And I got some ideas for folks like us from some of the other vendors. Here are just 2 (I’m not including the Yoga Center or Belly Dancer here)
1. Do you have trouble doing certain activities for yourself in your home because your hands are a problem? Would you like an adorable companion? Then consider a capuchin monkey. These are the little “organ grinder” monkeys you’ve seen with street performers years ago. They’re adorable, lovable and really smart. For those who work at home but have trouble with activities that require hands, this could be a good solution. I warn you, it’s a selective process! Find out more at
2. Do you have balance problems but dream about walking outside for your exercise to keep up your strength? Dogs are a great solution for getting us outside every day (especially when working means there’s not enough time for exercise!) They’re also such great companions. But take it from me, a dog that pulls or isn’t REALLY well trained to walk with you can be a problem. (When my dog, Iko, was a puppy, he had too much puppy energy for a person with bad balance, like me. Several times he either pulled too hard or I tripped over him – giving me a concussion and a broken bone.) But yesterday, I learned that I can apply for a service dog — applications take about 2 years. I met a man who had this gorgeous, gentle great dane, a specially trained service dog, whom he literally could lean on when he lost his balance! Learn more about service dogs at Assistance Dogs International.
3. In my work as a chronic illness career coach, many of my clients want to work virtually. I got a call from a woman who runs a virtual call center who has had great success hiring people with disabilities, including those who have disabilities due to chronic illness. It’ is a virtual call center. But keep in mind that you need experience doing phone marketing or sales.