How can I continue to work? How can I return to work? How can I thrive in my Career?
…..when I live with a chronic illness? Does this sound like you?
Whether you are newly diagnosed or have been living with a chronic illness for years, you probably have questions, fears and concerns about your ability to maintain a career. If you’re nodding, YES, to even just one of these questions, then this workbook is for you! How do I know?Because I’ve lived with chronic diseases since 1978. And, like you, I know what it’s like to struggle to continue to stay successful in the workplace.Are you wondering ...
In 2004, I founded the career coaching firm, ciCoach, for people living with chronic illness to help them answer these questions. I’ve worked with hundreds of people, probably a lot like you, and I know what it takes to achieve workplace success when you have a chronic illness. The Keep Working with Chronic Illness Workbook Now you can bring home my specialized career coaching program with this downloadable, self-study resource. It’s full of career success and job search strategies that you can tailor to your needs. The Keep Working with Chronic Illness Workbook addresses the limitations and challenges that you worry and wonder about, including: How to:
Take a look to at the Table of Contents to see what you’ll learn: Three Daily Practices for Self-observation Take Your Pulse Self-assessment Part One: What are my skills? Job Search Strategies Part One: Setting long term goals
Just imagine what you could do with all of this information AND the practical steps to apply it.
"I read this and only then realized why some of the jobs I’ve had over the years have been so much more difficult than others. I wish I’d had this at the beginning of my career – and illness." E. B., lupus, VP Corporate Strategies, Retail Organization
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The Keep Working with Chronic Illness Workbook will help you do all of that! your instantly downloadable pdf Keep Working with Chronic Illness Workbook you also get this added bonus: A 20 MINUTE TELEPHONE CONSULTATION with me, Together, we will explore how this workbook can help you achieve the changes you seek. and that includes the 35 page workbook + the 20 minute phone consult. THE PRICE? $24
But the truth is:
Remember! When you purchase the Keep
You CAN thrive in your career, even with chronic illness. But only if you take action and start now!
Your INVESTMENT In Improving Your Career potential IS $24.